Saturday, 16 June 2012

Fast Girls

Although I’m the least athletic person ever, I do have a great admiration for athletes. To be able to be that dedicated to something that can be so fleeting is astounding to me. I love watching athletics and when I saw the trailer for Fast Girls it looked very convincing.

I am also a fan of Noel Clarke and this seemed to be a foray into more mainstream cinema after his successes with Kidulthood and Adulthood.

The story is based around Shania (Lenora Crichlow) who is a talented sprinter from a very disadvantaged background in London. With the help of coach Brian (Phil Davies), she manages to get into the National Team for the World Championships which are taking place in London. In 2011.

In order to qualify for the National team, she beat local rival Lisa (Lily James) who comes from a very privileged, if pressurised background. Naturally she has had her nose put of joint by the arrival of Shania.

The coach Tommy (Clarke) is keen for Shania to join the 4x100 metres relay, despite Shania having no experience of running in a team. Her fellow teammates are welcoming apart from Lily and as you would expect, this provides problems for all involved.

The film goes onto to chart the relationships between the two girls and how that impacts on the team.

First of all, the film should really be about the Olympics and although I am aware of how strict the rules are around using the London Olympics 2012, it seems a bit churlish that they weren’t allowed to use it. Especially as the film is essentially about achieving greatness at a huge sporting event.

That aside, it is a lovely film. All of the characters are engaging and although they did slip in some clichés, the sweetness of the film allowed that to pass by. 

The dialogue was spot on and did not appear to have been Americanised, which was great to see. The actresses in the main roles certainly looked like professional athletes and although it was clear from some of the race shots that doubles had been used, it wasn’t an issue for me.

My only complaint is that there is very little backstory, the running time is under 90 minutes long, so a bit more information about the girls’s backgrounds would have added a depth to the film.

Verdict: A really engaging, sweet and well-made film that deserves will be successful. All of the characters are likeable and while you know how the film is going to end, it’s a lovely journey getting there and I came out of the cinema smiling...

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